What Are the Dangers of Texting While Driving?

Dangerous texting and driving at the same time

The complexity of their lives is increasingly being managed through multiple tasks. Whether they eat while they are on the road or send a text message while waiting at a junction, drivers try to do a lot of work in time to focus on the road. Thus, thousands of drivers are injured a year and many deaths are caused by accidents that are completely preventable.

This is why Foshee and Yaffee is fully committed to preventing such deaths and injuries. There are also deterrent actions which can lead to deaths and accidents. We have given you a few tips for helping you.

We want to hear from you, however, if you were hit by a distracted driver. The car accident lawyers assist injured motorists to receive the necessary compensation.

Distract Driving

Driving distracted is one of the main reasons why accidents occur. Accidents those are fully preventable. Distracted driving takes you away from driving or multi-tasking during another activity. Driving is considered distracted by multiple tasks. Text and driving are treated as driving distracted. Actually, texting and driving are the most dangerous kind of distracted driving.

Texting and Driving Is Dangerous

Absolutely.-Absolutely. According to the NHTSA, around 9.5 people are killed each day and 1,000 injured by distracted movement, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. A large number of distracted driving cases due to text and talk on a cell phone are reported. Unfortunately, NHTSA reports more driving texts – approximately 32% by 2015 versus 27% in 2012.

The harmful texting and driving are easily illustrated. A car travels five seconds throughout a soccer field at 55 kilometers an hour. This means you will be 100 yards away from the road with your eyes in time to simply read a text message. Unsurprisingly, many people crash, because they don't see the cars on the road or because they haven't seen a stop sign.

Driving text on the basis of one study affected a driver's reflexes and ability to react more than legally intoxicated. The results surprised the participants, who all assumed to be more alert when they were writing texts.

Attention on the Road

Send or read a text, on average, causes drivers to take five seconds off the road. This does not seem to be so many, but it is enough time for a driver to travel 55 miles an hour for the journey to a football field that is equal to its length. This is the same thing that drivers would never want to drive that distance with their close eyes. So, for those five seconds, what makes your eyes safer to send a text?

The truth is that texting while driving means that the eyes of a driver are off the road for 400% more and the chances of a collision are significantly increased. Furthermore, teens that drive the text are proved to be driving 10% out of the lane, as their eyes are off the road and do not take account of their vehicle's direction.

While drivers may feel agile enough to safely write during driving — an inquiry shows 77% of adults and 55% of adolescents believe they can manage text while driving along the road at the same time — that belief is unjustified. In fact, text driving makes it 23 times more likely that there will be a crash.

Visit Foshee and Yaffee in Oklahoma City to get an experienced accident lawyer.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.