New Car Accident Law of Oklahoma

Gavel of the judge. you have two cars. auto insurance. damage to property. Police, road traffic accident

There is a new law in Oklahoma related to car accident, until a numbering duplication has been established, a new section of the law to be codified by the Oklahoma statutes in Section 901.1 of Title 47. The details of the law have been described here. Yet, if you encounter any problem in understanding then you must consult a city car accident lawyer.

  • One person commits the crime of violent driving if both occur within a single, continuous driving time while the person is driving a motor vehicle:

  1. he Driving person is a danger for any other individual or vehicle immediately; and

  2. The individual commits an infringement of Article 11-801 of Title 47 and one or more violations of the following Statutes:

Failure to comply with the Official Traffic Control Apparatus provided for under Section 11-201 of the Title 47 of the Statute on Oklahoma, 11-202, 11-204, 11-307, 11-311, 11-701 of the Oklahoma Statute.

Incorrect use of lanes and failure to maintain proper lanes in compliance with Section 11-309 of Title 47 of the Statutes of Oklahoma can be a big problem.

Too closely follow a vehicle comes under Section 11-310 of Title 47 or e in Oklahoma Statues. Not preventing or giving up the right of way, as provided for in Section 11-401 or Section 11-402, 11-403, 11-404 and 11-405 of Title 47 Oklahoma Statutes or 11-704 of Title 47.

  • A individual convicted of breaching subsection A of this section shall be guilty of a criminal offense punishable by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment not exceeding ten (10) days.

  • The convicted person may recommend a revocation of the driving privileges of the convicted person for up to six (6) months to the Department of Public Safety.

  • The Department shall revoke the driving right of an individual for the time prescribed by the Court on receipt of a request for reversal from the Court. No change shall be made to this time of revocation.

When the Department of Public Safety revokes the driving right of a person for one (1) year after second, or after conviction of violation of paragraph A of this section that the person has been previously convicted of violation of paragraph A within the next 24 (24) months of that provision. No change shall be made to this time of revocation.

Hire car accident lawyer in Oklahoma City from Foshee and Yaffee to get a clear idea about the law.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.