How is the current COVID19 pandemic affecting my case? This is a question that I am receiving daily during this unsettling time full of the unknown. While there is no straight forward, black and white, answer, there are a few things that we do know. First, while the situation is ever-changing, most district courts in Oklahoma have postponed jury trials, non-emergency hearings, and other non-urgent legal affairs until May 15th.
Read MoreChlorpyrifos was patented by Dow Chemical in the 1960s and widely released as a multipurpose insecticide for a plethora of agricultural and residential applications: everything from ridding household pets of fleas to protecting cash crops from...
Read MoreLast year we did a case where a 75 year old woman tripped and fell as she was entering the vestibule leading to the restroom of a grocery store. She fractured her hip and had surgery to repair the fracture. Following surgery...
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