What If You Did Not Notice an Injury after an Accident?

Accidental Injury

Your main focus should be to recover from your wounds after a car accident. The exact nature of your wounds will depend on what the treatment entails. It is doubtful that your wounds will be exactly the same as any person having a similar accident. In some cases, injuries to a patient may not occur immediately after an incident.

Sometimes, wounds take a long time to be visible. If this happens to you, you might wonder what your choices are for your injuries to ensure a decent recovery. Although in this case you will have recovery options, there are particular decisions to be made to ensure that you get the payment you want. Contact personal injury lawyer in OKC for any dispute you face while claiming for injury if your wound appears to be visible later. Here's what you should do if there aren't serious auto accident injuries.

Injuries May Not Show Up Immediately

An accident involving a car is a stressful occurrence. The body produces adrenaline and endorphins when you experience a stressful event, which can mask the visible presence of wounds. Therefore, by restoring tissue and fighting disease, the body heals.

This reaction can lead to inflammation and swelling that sometimes happens after an injury. Therefore, an emotional crash can leave you unable to think properly. And long after the accident happened, you may not know how much pain you are in.

After a crash, it may take you weeks or months to find injuries, particularly when you face one of these types of injuries:

Soft tissue injuries - Types of soft tissue injuries include strains, sprains or tears to the joints, tendons and ligaments. The discomfort, swelling, and limited mobility that often contribute to the appearance of days or weeks. These can't be seen on x-rays, so they are a clinical problem.

Whiplash - Whiplash is one of the most common forms of soft tissue injuries. Whiplash is a neck injury that happens when the head is jerked back and forth violently. The symptoms include stiffness of the neck and back, pain in the shoulder, blurred vision and ringing in the ears which usually take a couple of days to make their debut.

Traumatic brain injuries - A jolt to the head causes traumatic brain injuries. While its signs can take weeks or months to appear, such wounds can impair the thinking, memory of a patient, and make it difficult for them to live a high quality of life.

Which happens if after you file your complaint you still have injuries?

Sometimes you can get your lawsuit settled within the time limits, but as the case reaches resolution, you still have residual injuries. If that's true for you, it's important to work with your personal injury lawyer in OKC and doctors to show the court that you're getting ongoing injuries.

Your attorney and medical experts will be able to work with you to decide what your potential prognosis is and what pain and suffering you are likely to experience in the future. If negotiating a fair settlement or a fair jury verdict, you must take this information into account.

Car accident injury

Medical Requirement

Even if you think you're okay and your accident isn't a big deal, it's important to visit a doctor after a car crash. If after an accident you are not seeking medical treatment, you may be damaging your case of personal injury and unable to obtain the equal and total payment that you may deserve. Here are a few reasons why after a crash you should see a doctor:

A doctor is more qualified to determine if you are injured or not and to assess the severity of any wounds that you may have suffered. If you have serious injuries that are not immediately apparent, by seeing a doctor right away, you can avoid a life-threatening situation.

You can report your medical condition by visiting a doctor and improve your case for payment.

If you are waiting days or weeks to see or stop a doctor, the insurance company of the responsible party might contend that the accident has not caused your injuries or that your injuries are not as serious as you appear to be.

Contact an Attorney

Serious injuries can take a while to appear after a car accident. Therefore, after a car crash, it is critical that you see a doctor and contact our personal injury lawyer in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.