What Do You Need To Know About Divorce in Oklahoma?

Considering the complexities of divorce in Oklahoma, it's essential to know the processes to deal with it. Knowing what lies ahead legally not only prepares you but also reduces uncertainties. From the complex details of residency requirements to understanding possible grounds for separation, every step matters. Consulting with expert divorce lawyers in OKC ensures you are well-informed and supported through this challenging time. Get more valuable insights here.

Establishing Residency for Divorce in Oklahoma

To initiate a divorce in Oklahoma, it's essential that either spouse has been a resident of the state or any U.S. military base within Oklahoma for at least six months prior to filing the divorce petition. An exception applies if the grounds for divorce involve insanity and one spouse resides in a facility outside Oklahoma. In such scenarios, the spouse initiating the divorce must have been an Oklahoma resident for no less than five years before submitting the divorce paperwork. This residency prerequisite ensures that the state has jurisdiction over the divorce proceedings.

Legitimate Reasons for Divorce in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, "incompatibility" is a valid ground for divorce that doesn't assign fault to either spouse. If a couple with a minor child seeks a divorce on this basis, both are required to attend a class focused on understanding the effects of divorce on children, highlighting the state's commitment to the well-being of young ones during such transitions.

Complex Grounds for Fault-Based Divorce

In Oklahoma, a judge may approve a fault-based divorce under specific circumstances, including-

  • Abandonment lasting at least one year

  • Adultery

  • Impotence

  • Finding out that the wife was pregnant by another man at the time of marriage

  • Extreme cruelty

  • Engagement in a fraudulent contract

  • Habitual drunkenness

  • Gross neglect of duty

  • Incarceration of either spouse for a felony at the time of filing

  • Obtaining a divorce decree in another state that is not recognized by Oklahoma

Here, divorce may be granted on the grounds of insanity under the following strict conditions-

  • One spouse has been declared insane for a minimum of five years.

  • The spouse diagnosed with insanity has resided in a state or private mental health institution in Oklahoma or another state for at least five years.

  • Three physicians, including the superintendent of the treating institution, have evaluated the spouse. At least two of these doctors must concur that the spouse is unlikely to recover.

Important Note- A divorce on the basis of insanity could still require the petitioning spouse to provide financial support and maintenance to the spouse deemed insane.

Understanding Alimony in Oklahoma

  • Alimony refers to financial support that one spouse may pay to the other, either as part of a divorce settlement or independently.

  • Payments can be made in one lump sum or through installments, based on the judge's discretion.

  • When deciding on alimony, judges in Oklahoma do not follow a strict formula or predetermined factors, which is different from many other states.

  • Judges have wide latitude in determining whether to grant alimony and the amount, allowing them to tailor decisions to the specifics of each case.

When determining alimony, judges in Oklahoma may consider various factors, including-

  • Demonstrated financial need for support to adjust post-marriage.

  • The lifestyle or "station" each spouse maintained during the marriage.

  • The earning capacities of both spouses.

  • The physical and financial conditions of each spouse.

  • The marital standard of living.

  • Each spouse's potential to earn independently and the time needed to achieve financial self-sufficiency.

Fundamental Steps to Initiating Divorce with Divorce Lawyers

To obtain a divorce, follow these essential steps-

  • Residency Requirements- Confirm that either you or your spouse meets the residency criteria of the state where you plan to file for divorce.

  • Legal Grounds for Divorce- Ensure you have a legally acceptable reason to dissolve your marriage.

  • Filing Divorce Papers- Submit the necessary divorce documents and ensure your spouse receives copies. For specific filing instructions, consult your local courthouse or experienced divorce lawyers in OKC.

  • Response from Spouse- If your spouse disputes the terms outlined in the divorce papers, they have the right to file a response expressing their stance, potentially leading to multiple court appearances. If the spouse does not respond within a designated period, the divorce could proceed as uncontested.

  • Division of Property and Financial Support- Address the division of assets, debts, and the need for financial support during the divorce process with the help of divorce lawyers. These matters are often resolved through settlement negotiations or court hearings. Decisions regarding custody and child support are also made during this phase.

Oklahoma Bar Association offers detailed responses to frequently asked questions about divorce processes. Get help if required.

Contact Divorce Lawyers at Foshee & Yaffe

Foshee & Yaffe Attorneys at Law understands the stress of divorce. Our team of dedicated divorce lawyers in OKC is here to help you through every step, ensuring your rights are protected, and the process is as smooth as possible. Reach out to us for reliable legal support.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.