Rollover Accidents – Causes and Prevention

Car accident crash flipped upside down, road closed by police

Car rollover accidents are quite devastating and people experience this terrifying incident would not want that to happen with anyone again. A rollover accident may lead to fatalities and injuries to the involved people. Once you know the common causes of a rollover accident, avoiding it would be easier. You can also make your loved one to learn the causes and ways to avoid it. When you are involved in an accident but not at fault, you can hire a car wreck attorney for claiming compensation.

Causes of a Rollover Accident

Typically, the rollover car accidents have two primary reasons. The driver may lose control on the vehicle and drift off. The drivers may get involved in high-speed, risky driving. Collisions and obstructions are also common reasons of rollover accidents. Here we will discuss the reasons in detail.

  • Control of the Driver

Driver losing control on the vehicle is one of the most common reasons of accidents. Using mobile phone, falling asleep while driving or other distractions may make the driver lose control over the vehicle. At that point, moving forward may cause a rollover accident.

  • Risky Driving

Another common reason of this kind of accident is aggressive driving that involves risky moves like turning a road at a high speed. It can cause fraction between the road surface and the tire and would cause the car to trip over.

  • Multivehicle Crashes

Most of the time rollovers are single vehicle accident but multi-vehicle accidents are not rare. A vehicle once hit and side down it may slide on the road and push other vehicles and even strike a guardrail.

Medic wearing tourniquet on arm of injured person sitting on the driver saet after the road accident, providing emergency medical assistance

Drivers’ Fault in a Rollover Accident

  • Crossing the Speed Limit

Speed is one of the most common reasons of most of the traffic fatalities. Speed is the reason of 40% of the road accidents.

  • Impaired Driving

Nothing could be more dangerous than impaired driving. Half of the fatal car accidents are because of impaired driving. When you are at the wheel, make sure you are not intoxicated.

  • Driving on Country Roads

Rural highways always see the more accident rate than urban areas. The roads often lack in safety features that a road of great traffic or more-traveled area have. The rural highways are accountable for apx 75% of the rollover fatalities.

  • Driving with Damaged or Worn Tires

The vehicle tires should be in a good condition. With regular use the tire surface becomes worn out. Once the tires have crossed expire time – you must change them.

If you are accused wrongly for a rollover accident, call a car wreck attorney in OKC. We will help you to get your justice if you are wrongly accused.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.