Get the Right Immigration Lawyer Assist You in the Court

Woman holding American flag on light background. Immigration to USA

The immigration process in the United States is quite complex and tedious especially in the recent political condition. When you are in this conflict, you must look for an immigration lawyer to take care of your case. Only an attorney with substantial experience can help you out since many people lose the cases because they do not have efficient legal representative. The lack of experience makes the people vulnerable as it depends then upon the sole dissertation of the judges. There are many firms who provide lawyers to the people but you do your part including research for finding the right person.

  • Research

Try to collect information about the attorney online and read the online reviews. Ask the friends and family around if they know anything about the attorney or if they have any reference.

  • Ask Questions

At the consultation meeting, ask as many as possible questions until you are satisfied. Your questions will make you assured if the person is enough knowledgeable on the immigration field. This is also another way to assess the honesty.

  • A Second Opinion

If there is even a little confusion about the efficiency or honesty of the lawyer, you can go ahead for the second opinion. Make an appointment with another attorney and ask same questions. You are not bound to appoint an attorney whom you have met. Talk with attorneys personally and hire one who have answered you better and who have made you more relaxed.

  • The Fees Is Not Everything

The fee for the representation is not equivalent with the expertise of the immigration lawyer. You better focus on the honesty and proficiency of the person. Sometimes the person practicing immigration law at the lowest price can give you the best advice. It could not be always true to hear ‘you get what you pay for’.

Passports, tickets, gavel and American flag on table. Legal immigration
  • Check Credentials

The website of AILA or the American Immigration Lawyers Association is a good way to check the credentials of an attorney. The attorney must be a member of the state bar association along with good reviews on different websites.

  • Check References

Ask your friends for a good reference of an attorney. Ask if they have hired one attorney and outcome was in their favor. Word-of-mouth referrals are always good since you are having the firsthand experience from a person who has worked with the lawyer.

  • Meet the Candidate

While meeting the lawyer, prepare your questions. Check what obstructions you can have and how an attorney can help you. With more questions to ask you will get a better understanding and insight on the attorney.

  • Ask for Experience

Do not forget to ask the attorney about the experience. Do not hesitate. If you are up for securing your visa, seeking an asylum, an attorney can help you in multiple perspectives. Therefore, it is essential for the attorney to have years of experience on the respective field.

  • The Preferences

You must have your personal preferences. Do you have any gender specification? Do you want the attorney too speak your language affluently? Do you want the same ethnicity? Always find an attorney with whom you are comfortable to work with.

Visit Foshee and Yaffee for immigration lawyer in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.