Civil Offense Cases of Oklahoma- What Should You Know

District court warrant for the arrest of a witness in a civil action papers with handcuffs and blue pen on United States flag. Permission to witness arrest

A corporation or person has a limited period of time during which they may take legal action against an Oklahoma business or citizen. The status of limitations varies with each particular charge or loss case and is controlled by Oklahoma State. You will need a civil attorney when you wish to take forward any legal action.

Why is it necessary for legal offenses to have a statute of limitations? The law aims to prohibit individuals or companies from attempting to sue indefinitely; if they have a grievance, they will immediately take legal action, and not simply 'keep it over the head' of any business owner or private citizen.

The second justification for the existence of limitation statutes is to preserve the credibility of factual facts in the case. This may include forensic evidence, witness statements, company records and data from computers that could be involved in the case. The longer the time between the incident and when legal action is taken, the easier it will become for the prosecution to provide sufficient factual evidence.

In the State of Oklahoma, restriction laws are established for each of the following events of injury and loss that may occur. It is important to remember that Oklahoma's statutes of limitations that change, so it is always best to consult with an attorney about your liability issues or plan to sue for damages as soon as possible.

If you wish to take forward legal proceedings against a company or private citizen, please contact our team at Foshhe and Yaffee in Oklahoma to arrange legal consultation as soon as possible. Our civil attorney will review the facts of your case and provide you with a summary and next move to begin legal action.

Summary of Common Civil Offenses and Limitations Statutes in Oklahoma

Learn about Regular Limitations Laws for Oklahoma citizens while taking legal action against a corporation or a private citizen.

  • Injury to an Individual

That includes, but is not limited to, slip and fall accidents, acts of abuse, or injuries suffered by a victim of a collision with a motor vehicle, where the driver was careless or disabled at fault. Civil lawsuits for injuries to a person may receive compensation for medical costs (hospitalization and rehabilitation care), medical services or repairs to the victim's residential home, and other costs not covered by the victim's personal insurance policy.

What happens if a victim is injured and has health insurance? The application for benefits that require co-payments and out-of-pocket costs; those are not covered by either their private car insurer or health insurance. This can also entail loss of income factors, and adverse effects on overall employability and quality of life, depending on the severity of the accident.

Limitations- 2 Years

  • Fraud Actions

We wish to hope that company will rule itself with legal integrity. We realize, however, that consumer fraud acts often happen knowingly, and often without intent, because business owners do not understand what constitutes fraud actions.

Did you knowingly sell a product or service that offered a result or a benefit that was not provided to a consumer? Cases of fraud may include acceptance of payment for services not delivered, embezzlement, false ads and unequal or unethical business practices.

Some of Oklahoma's most common cases of fraud arise after a natural disaster such as flooding, or a devastating storm or tornado. When the damage that occurred is huge, many local and often interstate companies may sell non-certified or legal repair or reconstruction services, contributing to customer complaints.

Key and torn paper with text personal property on wooden background
  • Injury or harm to personal property

Commercial property owners can be noticed in the event of legal disputes, where a tenant has done damage to the leased land. These may include (but is not limited to) damage to floors and walls, removal of components such as lighting or fixtures, damage to water and other issues.

It is best good practice for all commercial property owners to have a lease checked by a civil attorney to ensure that property loss obligations are clearly defined for tenants. Your arrangement with your landlord will explicitly state their duty to inspect the premises before they lease, and promise to return the commercial property in the same condition that it was originally given in.

Contact Foshhe and Yaffee without delay if you wish to take any legal action.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.