Accidents Due to Unlicensed Driver- What Happens?

Licensed or unlicensed? Unlicensed

While it is illegal and leads to serious penalties, people still tend to drive without a licence. For certain cases, these drivers are licensed, but they have been suspended or not renewed.

It is important to remember that if you or a loved one is hit by an unlicensed driver, and the other driver does not have insurance, you can claim for compensation. As if the premiums were charged, some plans specify that coverage ceases if the policyholder does not have a license or if the license has been revoked.

It is one reason why it can be so important to have a professional lawyer by your side, trying to cover for medical costs, car harm, loss of income and other harm. There can be very complicated situations and those who employ car accident lawyer sometimes get more money than others.

Accidents of Drivers Free Enforcement Action

There are a variety of cases involving unlicensed drivers collisions. The most noticeable is an incident of a person who was driving without a license his or her own vehicle. Some factors need to be remembered in this scenario:

  • Is there protection from the driver?

  • Is there still oversight if the driver has no license or if his or her license has been suspended?

  • Is the accident happened due to the unlicensed driver?

Another possibility is that the illegal driver will drive another car with that person's permission. Insurance usually serves the vehicle, not the conductor. Even if the driver has no cover, a claim against the car owner’s policy can be made. So does it invalidate the insurance policy because of the absence of a licence? It is a matter for a trained car accident lawyer to address.

When the driver without a license, for example if he or she stole the vehicle, has no permission, the insurance policy will become invalid.

In fact the litigation process will continue, as it should have done in any other crash, if the driver or vehicle owner has insurance coverage, and this still applies. If there is no insurance for the driver or owner of the vehicle, under your own insurance policy, you may claim against your un-insured cover.

Hire a car accident lawyer in Oklahoma from Foshhe and Yaffee to get your case mitigate. Book your schedule with us today.

**Disclaimer: This content is not to be construed as legal advice nor does it establish terms of a client-attorney relationship.